"Bienvenido a ADIX!, en ADIX podras encontrar un gran acervo fotografico de autobuses foraneos, regionales y urbanos de Mexico y el mundo, emprende el viaje entre las diversas galerias que tenemos disponibles y conoce este medio de transporte en Mexico y el mundo"
lunes, enero 26, 2015
viernes, enero 23, 2015
miércoles, enero 21, 2015
City Buses in Finland | Autobuses Urbanos de Finlandia
as rutas de autobuses de Helsinki se pueden encontrar casi en cualquier
lugar en Helsinki. Para algunas partes de la ciudad, incluso de alta
densidad de poblacion, estos autobuses constituyen la columna vertebral del sistema
de transporte público. La Autoridad de Transporte Regional de Helsinki
(Finlandes : Helsingin Seudun Liikenne , HSL, Sueco :
Helsingforsregionens Trafik, HRT) establece las rutas y horarios del
transporte publico. HRT licita una ruta o un conjunto de rutas y
la compañía que ofrece para operar la ruta de la mejor relación
calidad-precio obtendrá el contrato. Los operadores de autobuses
más grandes son Nobina Finlandia , Veolia Transport Finlandia,
Pohjolan Liikenne y Helsingin Bussiliikenne Oy. su principal area de
operacion son las ciudades de Helsinki , Espoo , Vantaa , Kerava y
Kauniainen y la municipalidad de Kirkkonummi. La Autoridad de
Transporte Regional de Helsinki fue fundada en una reunión el 17 de
junio de 2009 e inició sus trabajos el 1 de enero de 2010.
Nuestros amigos fineses, Lars-Göran Lassander y Kari Kämäräinen nos
comparten imagenes de los autobuses de este sistema de transporte en
diversas ciudades y comunidades del sur de Finlandia, esperamos sean de
tu agrado.
Bus routes of Helsinki can be found almost anywhere in Helsinki. For some parts of the city, even high-density, these buses provide the backbone of the public transportation system. Helsinki Regional Transport Authority (Finnish: Helsingin seudun liikenne, HSL, Swedish: Helsingforsregionens trafik, HRT) takes care of marketing and passenger information for the public transportation, approves the fare and ticketing system and the tickets' prices and is responsible for ticket inspection. HRT tenders a route or a set of routes and the company offering to operate the route for the best quality-price ratio will get the contract. The quality is measured with a pointing system which gives points for such aspects as the quietness, environmental efficiency and the size of the buses that would be used. The biggest bus operators are Nobina Finland, Veolia Transport Finland, Pohjolan Liikenne and Helsingin Bussiliikenne OY. The company operate bus routes in the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kerava and Kauniainen and the municipality of Kirkkonummi, who own the new intercommunal body together. The Helsinki Regional Transport Authority was founded in a meeting on June 17, 2009 and began its work on January 1, 2010. HSL is one of the largest intercommunal bodies in Finland, having 1.1 million people in its area of influence. Our Finnish friends Lars-Göran Lassander and Kari Kämäräinen show us pictures of buses of this System Transport in some towns of south Finland regions. we hope you like it.
Bus routes of Helsinki can be found almost anywhere in Helsinki. For some parts of the city, even high-density, these buses provide the backbone of the public transportation system. Helsinki Regional Transport Authority (Finnish: Helsingin seudun liikenne, HSL, Swedish: Helsingforsregionens trafik, HRT) takes care of marketing and passenger information for the public transportation, approves the fare and ticketing system and the tickets' prices and is responsible for ticket inspection. HRT tenders a route or a set of routes and the company offering to operate the route for the best quality-price ratio will get the contract. The quality is measured with a pointing system which gives points for such aspects as the quietness, environmental efficiency and the size of the buses that would be used. The biggest bus operators are Nobina Finland, Veolia Transport Finland, Pohjolan Liikenne and Helsingin Bussiliikenne OY. The company operate bus routes in the cities of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kerava and Kauniainen and the municipality of Kirkkonummi, who own the new intercommunal body together. The Helsinki Regional Transport Authority was founded in a meeting on June 17, 2009 and began its work on January 1, 2010. HSL is one of the largest intercommunal bodies in Finland, having 1.1 million people in its area of influence. Our Finnish friends Lars-Göran Lassander and Kari Kämäräinen show us pictures of buses of this System Transport in some towns of south Finland regions. we hope you like it.
lunes, enero 19, 2015
viernes, enero 16, 2015
miércoles, enero 14, 2015
City Sightseeing Buses in the World Gallery 1
IX Birthday Bus and Coach Digital Imaging
Muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros la pasion por los autobuses durante 9 años. te presentamos esta galeria con fotografias de los autobuses turisticos de diversas ciudades del mundo cortesia de nuestros amigos que hacen posible estas galerias. Gracias a ti, Gracias a todos!Thank you very much for sharing with us the passion for buses for 9 years. we present this gallery with photographs of tourist buses from different cities of the world courtesy of our friends who make possible the publication of these galleries. Thank you, Thank to all!
lunes, enero 12, 2015
viernes, enero 09, 2015
miércoles, enero 07, 2015
Autobuses Urbanos en Emiratos Arabes Unidos. | City buses in United Arab Emirates
RTA es responsable de la planificación y la prestación de los servicios de transporte, carreteras y el tráfico en el emirato de Dubai, y entre Dubai y otros emiratos de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, los países vecinos con el fin de proporcionar una eficaz y un sistema de transporte integrado capaz de alcanzar la visión de Dubai y servir a los intereses vitales de los Emiratos.
Fotografias cortesia de Roman Andrianov.
Fotografias cortesia de Roman Andrianov.