The Transport Company, Ltd., (TCL),Es una empresa de transportes propiedad del gobierno de Tailandia, dependiente del Ministerio de Transportes. brinda servicios de transporte de viajeros en autobús desde Bangkok a otras provincias, entre provincias y dentro de las provincias, es conocida popularmente por las iniciales บขส (baw-kaw-saw) se fundo hace mas de 80 años por el gobierno para garantizar que los ciudadanos, incluso en las localidades más remotas tengan acceso a la capital, Bangkok. Cubre destinos en la totalidad el reino y en ciudades de Laos, Camboya, Myanmar, Vietnam, Malasia, Singapur y China. Los Autobuses de TCL se identifican fácilmente por el gran escudo dorado que se encuentra en cada costado del autobús.
The Transport Company, Ltd., (TCL), the state-owned bus company. Known to Thais by the initials บขส (pronounced baw-kaw-saw), this 80-year-old company was formed by the government to ensure that citizens in even the most far-flung localities had access to the capital city, Bangkok. TCL buses are easily identified by the large golden coat of arms appliqued to each side of the bus.
The Transport Company, Ltd., (TCL), the state-owned bus company. Known to Thais by the initials บขส (pronounced baw-kaw-saw), this 80-year-old company was formed by the government to ensure that citizens in even the most far-flung localities had access to the capital city, Bangkok. TCL buses are easily identified by the large golden coat of arms appliqued to each side of the bus.